Micro-mount boxes made of plastic

Micromount is a term taken from English into German from mineralogy.
It is used by mineral collectors to denote specimens that are so smallthat you are best with optical aids
(strong binocular magnifying glass)
to be viewed as.

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Product no.: D012

Thumbnail box transparent extern dimension 28x28x22mm,
clear bottom, clear top. Available with three different bottom colors for the same price.

boîte Micro-Mount transparente dim.extérieures 28x28x22mm,
fond transparent, couvercle transparent. 

48 pcs. per set

8.90 / set(s) *
Delivery weight: 180 g

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Product no.: D002KM
MicroMount tin transparent
1,000 pcs/set
Boîte MicroMount transparente en polystyrène
1.000 pièces/set
149.00 *
Delivery weight: 4,500 g

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Product no.: D012/W

Thumbnail box transparent extern dimension 28x28x22mm,
white bottom, clear top.
boîte Micro-Mount transparente dim.extérieures 28x28x22mm,
fond blanc, couvercle transparent

48 pcs. per set

8.90 / set(s) *
Delivery weight: 180 g

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Product no.: D002WM
MicroMount tin transparent with white base
1,000 pcs/set
Boîte MicroMount transparente avec fond blanc
1.000 pièces/set
149.00 *
Delivery weight: 4,500 g

Currently unavailable

Product no.: D012/S

Thumbnail box transparent extern dimension 28x28x22mm,
black bottom, clear top.
boîte Micro-Mount transparente dim.extérieures 28x28x22mm,
fond noir, couvercle transparent

48 pcs. per set

8.90 / set(s) *
Delivery weight: 180 g

In stock

Product no.: D002SM
MicroMount box clear with black base
1,000 pcs/set
Boîte MicroMount transparente avec fond noir
1.000 pièces/set
149.00 *
Delivery weight: 4,500 g

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Product no.: D012/SS

Thumbnail box extern dimension 28x28x22mm,
black bottom, black top.
boîte Micro-Mount dim.extérieures 28x28x22mm,
fond noir, couvercle noir

48 pcs. per set

8.90 / set(s) *
Delivery weight: 180 g

In stock

Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery