25.05.2025 Ortenauer Mineralienbörse Lahr (*)
We visit mineralshows all over Europe with our products. If you happen to be there, you can also collect your command at our booth. Please order 2 weeks before the show, so that we have your order ready. Calendar 2025 January 11.1.-12.1.2025 - Mulhouse (F) February 8.2.-9.2.2025 - Dijon (F) March 1.3.-2.3.2025 - Hanut (B) 8.3.-9.3.2025 - Speyer (*) 8.3.-9.3.2025 - Luxembourg (LUX) (*) 15.3.-16.3.2025 - Nautilus Gent (B)(*) 23.03.2025 Rhein Neckar Mineralienbörse in Walldorf (Astoria Halle) April 06.04.2025 Aue 12.-13.04.2025 Nellingen Fossilien Börse 26.4.2025 Dresden (Veranstaltungszentrum njumii) 26.-27.04.2025 Rosenheim May 09.-11.05.2025 Antwerpen (B) 17.05.2025 Freiberg June 25.-29.06.2025 Ste.Marie aux Mines (F) summer vacations 28.07.-22.08.2025: the office is closed, no delivery August 30.-31.08.2025 Bernissart (B) September 06.-07.09.2025 Speyer 14.09.2025 Ortenauer Mineralienbörse Lahr (*) 20.-21.09.2025 Imsbach (Donnersbergkreis) October 18.-19.10.2025 Freiburg im Breisgau 19.10.2025 Marburg (Hessen) (*) November 08.-09.11.2025 Lüttich (B) 08.-09.11.2025 Luxembourg (LUX) (*) 29.11.-30.11.2025 Jouy-en-Josas (F) December 05.-07.12.2025 Paris (F) Calendar 2026 22.03.2026 Rhein Neckar Mineralienbörse in Walldorf (Astoria Halle)(*) date/participation is not confirmed